Important Safety Information

Anatomic Total Shoulder Replacement

If your doctor recommends anatomic total shoulder replacement, here is what you should know.

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Is Anatomic Total Shoulder Replacement Right for You?

With anatomic total shoulder replacement, the damaged ends of the humerus (ball) and glenoid (socket) bones are removed. The bone is then prepared to accept the artificial joint components, which are made of metal (usually a cobalt-chrome or titanium alloy). A stem or cage screw is placed inside the humerus and a rounded metal component is attached to replace the humeral head. The new glenoid (socket) component, which is made of special plastic (polyethylene), is cemented into place. Once the components are in place, your surgeon confirms the joint is stable and has the potential for good motion after rehabilitation.

Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System

Preservation of Anatomy

Less Early Postoperative Pain

Faster Procedure

The Cage-Screw Difference

Patient Stories

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